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Focus Now

Learn about the Focus Now feature

David Augustus Lopes avatar
Written by David Augustus Lopes
Updated over a month ago

Focus Now allows you to connect to a partner with a single click and start your session as soon as both of you are ready, without the need to schedule a session. It’s a convenient way to dive straight into your work without waiting, making it perfect for when you need a quick productivity boost.

How it Works

To use Focus Now, simply click the Focus Now button located on the left-hand side of your dashboard, just below the “Book a session” option. You’ll be matched with the first available partner who’s also ready to start, and you can begin your session immediately.


Why is my session longer/shorter than 50 minutes?

When you click Focus Now, we'll immediately start searching for a partner. When you're matched with a partner, your session will “snap” to the nearest 15-minute slot. This means:

• If you’re matched with a partner within the first 5 minutes of the current 15-minute block, your session will “snap” to the start of that block.

• If you’re matched more than 5 minutes into the block, the session will “snap” to the next available 15-minute slot.

For example:

• If you’re matched at 11:01, your session will align with the 11:00 timeslot and end at 11:50 (for a 50-minute session).

• If you’re matched at 11:06, your session will align with the 11:15 timeslot and end at 12:05.

This can result in a variable session length. But regardless of the timeslot, you’ll be connected to your partner as soon as possible, so you can greet each other and get to work immediately.

Will my preferences be taken into account?

Focus Now takes into account these preferences:

• “Only match me with someone in quiet mode if I’m in quiet mode.”

• Gender restrictions.

• Snoozes and blocks.

Focus Now does not currently prioritize matches based on:

• Activity type.

• "Prefer Favorites".

Is Focus Now available for 25-minute and 75-minute sessions?

Currently, Focus Now is only available for 50-minute sessions. We plan to extend it to 25-minute sessions in the future if Focus Now proves to be a popular way to use Focusmate.

Can anyone use Focus Now, including brand new users?

No. Focus Now is available only to members who have completed at least three regular Focusmate sessions. This ensures that all participants have some level of experience with Focusmate, which helps create a more productive environment.

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